
Patch to 1.1 (for DVD-version)
Download Gold Rush! Anniversary Patch to 1.1 (677 MB)

Patch to 1.1 (for Steam-Version) - PC, Mac and Linux
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Fixed in 1.1:
- Parser: Added more rude commands from the original
- Parser: Added more content views
- Performance improvements
- File size improvements
- Fixed small text issues
- Added more sounds
- A few change scenes improved
- Added more interactions with objects
- Added more idle animations for characters and animals
- Fixed an issue in the bank of Brooklyn
- Added information of reached points
- Fixed a few minor issues with waypoints and descriptions
- Fixed a crash in one of the last scenes, which occurs rarely
- Added many new translations
- Fixed bug with cutoff legs near of Coloma
- Fixed bug with double click behind the edge in wilderness between Sutter's Fort and Coloma
- Fixed minor issues in Brooklyn
Mac: Fixed the rescale/resolution issue in full screen and window-mode

Fixed previous:
- Fixed small graphics issues
- Fixed quest on the Cape Horn Trek
- Fixed conversation with mule seller in Sutter's Fort
- Fixed control between Sutter's Fort and Coloma
- Parser: Added rude commands as in the original

Old patch: Patch to 1.0.6 (for DVD-version)
Download Gold Rush! Anniversary Patch to 1.0.6 (678 MB)